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May 26, 2013

SEAN GRISWOLD’S HEAD by Lindsey Leavitt, 2011

According to her guidance counselor, fifteen-year-old Payton Gritas needs a focus object-an item to concentrate her emotions on. It's supposed to be something inanimate, but Payton decides to use the thing she stares at during class: Sean Griswold's head. They've been linked since third grade (Griswold-Gritas-it's an alphabetical order thing), but she's never really known him. In this sweet story of first love, Lindsey Leavitt seamlessly balances heartfelt family moments, spot-on sarcastic humor, and a budding young romance. (Amazon)

Reviewed by Brooke—Wife, Mother, Reader

Sean Griswold's Head has all the typical flirty fun of newly discovered romance. I enjoy reading that. What I was not expecting was the depth of exploration of the main character's feelings regarding her father's illness. Not only did the author deal with the main character’s fears (and avoidance of them), but also how that affected her relationships with other family members and her best friend. I can relate to the main character's fear of the unknown.  I also appreciate that the author finds ways for the main character to work through her feelings, sometimes not as successfully as others. I also like that she found a physical outlet for her anxiety through exercise. That is something that I know realistically, but I always need reminding. I truly enjoyed this book.

Market: Young Adult
Language: None
Sensuality: Teenage flirting, mild kissing
Violence: None
Mature Themes:  Father has a serious illness

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