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April 14, 2014

WILD ORCHID by Cameron Dokey, 2009

Wielding a sword as deftly as an embroidery needle, Mulan is unlike any other girl in China. When the emperor summons a great army, each family must send a male to fight. Tomboyish Mulan is determined to spare her aging father and bring her family honor, so she disguises herself and answers the call. But Mulan never expects to find a friend, let alone a soul mate, in the commander of her division, Prince Jian. For all of Mulan's courage with a bow and arrow, is she brave enough to share her true identity and feelings with Prince Jian? (Amazon)

Reviewed by Laina, writer, bookworm, and British television addict

As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to appreciate shorter, well written books. They aren’t too long and I can read them in an afternoon and still accomplish something with my life. Big books still make my heart jump, but I love short books because I can wiggle them into an increasingly hectic life.

WILD ORCHID is one such shorter book. The Once Upon a Time book series (not the TV show which I also adore) is full of these gems. I’ll be honest up front: I am a complete and total sucker for a fairy tale retelling. I see a fairy tale retelling and I MUST have it/read it/whatever. I simply cannot help myself. Wild Orchid retells the Ballad of Mulan. Granted, that isn’t exactly a fairy tale- though this one does contain a prince, but I’ve always loved the story (and the Disney movie). There aren’t any ground-breaking plot twists, but it is a well told and beautiful story, showing a side of Mulan and the people she loves that I’ve never seen before. My favorite aspect is probably the relationship between Mulan and her father. It is incredibly touching and I teared up rather often while reading Wild Orchid.

So if you’re like me and life is like a runaway stallion and you just want to jump off for a little while and breathe- read Wild Orchid. It’s short and refreshing, and come on, it’s a fairy tale!

Market: My 13 year old sister read it and I’d extend the age all the way up to anyone who still reads fairy tales.
Language: None (or none that I remember)
Sensuality: None
Violence: Not extreme by any means

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Cameron Dokey's Mulan is already on my shelf. I can't wait to take a chance on this one too!