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February 14, 2011

And the WINNER is . . .

Shakespeare's Sonnets
Our winner of the Over-the-Top Poetry contest is . . . 

LAURA MADSEN, for her poem, Horror Haiku! Woohoo! (What do ya know? That unintentionally rhymed!)

Congratualtions to Laura who submitted the following poems for our contest:

"Horror Haiku"

Full moon hanging low
Bare branches scraping the sky
Distant shrieks of fear

Dry linen wrappings
Rustle and crack as they tear
Mummy walks tonight

Bright white canine teeth
Pierce tender jugular vein
Yum says the vampire

Don’t dig swimming pools
In old Indian graveyards
Or you’ll be sorry

And . . .

A Labrador Retriever’s Poem

Ball! Ball!
Oh, happy day!
Yellow tennis ball!
Ball! Ball! Ball!
Fetch it!

Laura won a copy of Shakespeare's Sonnets!

A big thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. We expected it to be a sort of nonsense fest, but the truth is, we have some really talented poets out there, so the poems couldn't help but be good! Wow :) 


Anonymous said...

Yay, Laura! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Woot! I'm so excited!